Can Crohn’s and Colitis be Reversed?
We’re told that bowel diseases are these genetic, autoimmune diseases that are idiopathic (mean unknown cause). But what if we’ve been wrong all along? What if everything we’ve been told about Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is wrong?
If you’ve already seen my ReversABLE podcast, Reversing Crohn’s and Colitis Naturally podcast is dedicated to bowel disease, and the episode is linked below.
1. What they told you about IBD is wrong
I did a brief video version of this that you can watch here:
You’re told that IBD (Crohn’s and Colitis) are:
Autoimmune: meaning your body is attacking itself
Genetic: indicating that your genes are actually causing this / doing it to you
Idiopathic: this means there’s no known cause
But if these 3 things were true, then it would mean there’s nothing that can be done. So, I took a different approach and asked, “What if your body isn’t making a mistake, and just woke up one day, randomly allergic to itself?” Afterall, we’ve fixed over 300 cases, so we’ve got to be onto something…
If you believe:
Your body doesn’t make mistakes
Diseases aren’t random and always have a cause
Inflamamtion is just your body trying to heal you…
Then this is for you.
2. The math doesn’t add up…
First of all, how can IBD be strictly genetic, when genetics are only implicated 20-25% of the time? I created a chart showing the most common genes and their percentage of frequency based on a collection of data from published research.
The next question is, how can we call it autoimmune, when the antibodies we see are not all auto-antibodies (meaning they aren’t attacking your tissues)? And if these antibodies have many other root causes, why aren’t we looking at those instead, or in addition to?
I created a chart showing the most common antibodies, the percentage of associated and the different things that may cause them to coem up (medication, stress, fungus, bacteria, etc.)
Lastly, if cases of IBD have climbed in North America from 15 our of 100k people to 463 out of 100k people, how can we say there’s no cause? Or are we just refusing to look?
3. What’s causing all of this IBD?
I’d be lying if I said I had every answer to these problems, but having seen and worked on over 300 cases, with approximately a 95% reversal rate, I can say that the primary causes my team and I have identified are:
Generational dysbiosis: the loss of microbes through generations of industrialization
Toxins: mold, infections, pesticides/chemicals, PFAS, antibiotic overuse, heavy metals, etc.
Microbial Imbalances: Generalized dysbiosis, E.Coli, parasites, candida/fungus, etc.
Immunodeficieny / Immune imbalances: hyperactive immune responses brought on by all of the above factors, plus stress, environmentral, genetic predispositions, etc.
Deficiencies: motility, micro and macronutrients, microbiome deficiencies (generational dysbiosis), short chain fatty acids, deitary factors, etc.
The reality is that I believe IBD can be reversed in most, if not all cases. This statement is often controvertial because the general public and the medical system wants a systemiatic approach that can be labelled as a “one stop cure” for all. But medicine doesn’t work that way.
Especially in the cases of IBD, it’s often a long and complicated process, involving many layers of factors that need to be removed in order for your body to heal, which is why I believe the Western world hasn’t figured it out yet.
These processes are individualized, and require extremely high amounts of dilligence, care, precision and constant professional support.
Please feel free to email me at with any questions. If you’d like to discuss working with me and my team, simply fill out this questionnaire and schedule a call.